Sunday, May 29, 2011

Project’s Over !

O.k. sorry I haven’t written in a while but I’ve been exhaustively busy.  This last week, on Tuesday, we presented our final recommendations to the islands’ authorities; port director, Mayor & his assistants, as well as the dean of Burapha University.  They all said our project was excellent and better than they expected, which is kind of a backhanded comment, I guess…My team worked very well together, we all had different areas of expertise that when combined, produced great work.  Our communication flowed easily and although we haven’t known each other for long, we understood and respected one another.  Truth is , we couldn’t have asked for a better team leader.  Greg is organized, works well under pressure and extremely talented.
On Wednesday, I made a day trip to Bangkok (1hr by van-$3.00) to get a visa for my trip to India.  The dean didn’t want me to go alone because I am “just a woman”, he said.  I told him this woman was pretty tough but he still asked my male teammates to look after me.  It was archaic but with noble intent.  While it takes 4-6 weeks in the U.S. to get an Indian visa, it’s only 4 days in Bangkok.  On Thursday, we spent the day writing the paper (about 20pgs) that went with the presentation.  It was intense work but we got through it.  That evening, all students in Thailand (about 15 split up into 3 groups) had dinner with each other and their Thai team.  Again, dinner was a feast.  We had the usual 8 plates except for the shark fin soup, which was new.  After dinner, we celebrated by heading to a local bar, Hermes.  We ordered a bottle of Vodka, soda water & limes for about $30.00.  Our Thai students thought we were lying when we told them what it would cost in Miami.  In the morning, we went to the university to turn in our final work and were surprised with beautiful gifts from the dean.  He also said some very touching parting words.  He said he would never forget us and that we would always be in his heart.  I told him I was sure I was his favorite since, after all, I was “just a woman” ;) He agreed and then reminded me he was serious and that’s what I merely was. I took no offense, he didn’t say it to insult me.  At noon, we checked out of the hotel and headed for Bangkok where almost all students departed one by one.  Adrienne and I head for Chiang Mai in the morning.  We’re staying at the airport hotel (Novohotel) which is connected to the airport.   Our gate is literally down the hall.  The hotel is gorgeous and the room is comfortable.  Off to Chiang Mai we go!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Waii Mee

Since my bed was so comfortable, I awoke at 5 am and figured it could be a good opportunity to watch the sunrise and do some yoga.  I went to the lobby and found someone who worked there.  With my very limited Thai and a game of charades, I figured out where the best place would be.  He then told me to wait because Waii Mee (pronounced why me) would take me.  He made a motion with his hands that signaled it was probably his wife.  So I waited and sure enough a girl on a scooter showed up.  I got on and she took me to the east side where a gorgeous pier and beach were the perfect setting for some yoga.  Waii mee (Para Ta Saa) and I played some more charades and until I finally understood she would leave me there.  We rode for a while so I knew the walk would be long and as she left I asked myself,” why me?” Oh well, my study abroad to Peru taught me I could walk for 4 continuous days so I knew I’d make it.  Wouldn’t you know it a storm approaches as I start heading back.  Halfway to the hotel, Para Ta Saa rolls up and saves the day! After breakfast (squid the guys caught the night before), and an interview with the Mayor’s son, we transferred to Burapha University where we would spend the rest of our time evaluating the info collected to create our final presentation of possible solutions for the island’s environmental dilemma.  We have our own office and assistants who graciously help with anything we need.

Burapha University
This campus is huge!!!  It’s a city in here! We are staying in the hotel on university grounds.  This morning we had to be in the lobby at 5:45am to head for Bangkok to meet with the Port Authority to learn about their best practices, hoping we could implement the same in Sichang Island.  We are truly treated like royalty here.  We were police escorted from the main building to a tugboat that showed us how they collect garbage.    It was extremely hot and smelly but thankfully, the boat ride didn’t last too long.  We were also able to see how the vessels moored to dauphins and their overall behavior.  We then attended a presentation with port officials who further explained their system.  One official had done the same thing we are doing here in Sweden; Since he was empathetic he was extremely helpful . 
GBP offers an incredible opportunity to meet officials and to acquire first-hand knowledge of what it means to work on an international basis.  My group members and I are learning so much from each other, as well as sharing techniques for different types of presentations.  We are all hard working and  committed to putting forth our best effort to make this project be the best we can.  Our work will be used by Thai officials and students for years to come.  Also, the ports in the U.S. have asked us to share our final project for their further research. Our words will be seen by many who will use them to transform a 200 year- old system.
Moreover, the food doesn’t stop…We attended a party hosted by the University and I counted 9 very big plates on the table.  There was a whole fish, two kinds of soup (one with pig stomach), fried pork balls, vegetables, fried rice with sweet sausage, noodles and prawns (with heads), and more I can’t remember.  The dessert was ginkgo nuts in syrup.  Afterwards, we went to a massage parlor, $6.00/hr.  There was no oil involved, I changed into a very soft blouse and pant that were supple enough to feel the pressure and twist and turns.  I left feeling much better than when I arrived.
 Last night, the students took us out to Karaoke.  There are private rooms with a big TV and a lady who comes in to help you decide your next tune.  The Thai students sang in both English and Thai, we sang some songs in English and Mutsuo, a Japanese team member, sang in Japanese.   Those were the only three languages offered, there weren’t any Spanish songs L.  Again, yet another experience which melded our vast backgrounds.   After Karaoke, the police pulled us over at a checkpoint.  They wanted to see if there were any illegal substances in the vehicle.  We asked our assistant if there was any reason why we wouldn’t pass and she reassured us there was nothing to worry about.  The faces of the police when a bunch of “farangs” (foreigners) exited the car was pretty funny.  They were definitely surprised.  An officer approaches and asked me my name and I told him, Laisa (they use L’s instead of R’s here). He then asked where I was from, I responded Miami.  He requested that I tell people that Thai police are very nice and proceeded to let us go.  So here it is: Miami, Thai police are extremely nice!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 17th –Surveys day two

After rising from my cement mattress and eating breakfast (rice and pork soup), we waited for our Thai student assistants and headed out to the harbor where a speed boat was waiting.  Working with the port director definitely has its perks.  On this island, he is revered and our needs are his.  We basically get whatever we want and much more we never expected.  Off to harbor we went to visit the barge blocks.  There are barges, vessels which carry rice, cassava or fertilizer and about 10 of them are tied together to form a community “block”, in the middle of the sea.  My assistant, Waaii and I are let off at one end while the others are sprinkled throughout.  These people get no warning we are coming and by the look on their faces, they look terrified.  Especially when they see a farang (tourist, stranger) invading their space.  After Waaii explains we are students working together on an international project, they timidly accept us.  Together, our group conducted about 60 evaluations in all.  It was very humbling and shocking to see how these people live a “sea life”.  They wait around with their product until a tugboat comes (most have no engine) to either unload or refill cargo. Living quarters are about 20x20 max.  They watch TV, listen to music, sing karaoke, smoke cigarettes, paint the boat but mostly, they talk.  Their neighbors are family and together, they live their life out in the sea.   I wondered if I could do the same until my flip flop slipped, I fell on my derriere and I was convinced my sea legs definitely belong on land. 
 After stopping in the center of town for some shopping, we headed back to the hotel where my shower awaited.  We did some more work entering the data we collected to form a conjoint analysis (google it).  And then, we sat for our feast.  Dinner takes close to two hours to complete.  So many plates come and go; mussels, crab, rice, fried whole fish, scallops, clams, soup (3 kinds), salad, curry shrimp, fried and grilled squid, egg omelet..I’m sure I’m forgetting something.  It’s overwhelming and gluttonous and I participate. 
After dinner we headed to the temple for the celebration of Buddha, it only happens once a year and I felt so fortunate to be able to witness this community coming together.  We take lotus flowers we folded ourselves, incense and a candle to wait for the monks to exit the temple and follow them in prayer, 3 times around.  Once completed, you offer your items to Buddha for his blessing.  Children playing instruments unfamiliar to me surrounded the offering site.  Down the colored lantern lit path we went to arrive at a stage where typical dancing was showcased and food carts sold fried quail eggs, chicken or beef satay, sodas or ice cream.  I had a coconut ice cream with what felt like pieces of dough within.  Not really sure what it was but it was refreshing and pretty good, I couldn’t believe I was eating again.  They guys went fishing and my cement mattress and I met again.   

Monday, May 16, 2011


Ok so I walked graduation (Yay! J) and ran to the airport to get on a second-rate American Airlines flight to LA where the seats are horrible and the service is worst.  The plane was oversold, the snacks were awfully overpriced but at 9pm, after the day I had, food was priceless.  5 hours later in LA, I transferred over to Cathay Pacific for a 14 hour flight to Hong Kong.  Now this is flying.  Although I had to forego first and business class where the seats are beds, economy is better than first class in the “Atrocious American Airlines”. There’s a thought…I see the commercials now.  My seat neighbor, Becca saved me –and herself- from a huge catastrophe.  When I realized I was given the middle seat and almost had a heart attack from imagining myself sandwiched, being robbed of my ability to freely roam.  Bible towing, missionary volunteer, Becca offered to trade her heavenly aisle seat for my purgatory.  She’s a saint, I was blessed.   What to do for 14 hours?  Well, I could watch 100 movies, over 350 television shows, 888 CDs, 22 radio channels and over 70 video games, including interactive ones with others on the same flight.  I could also choose to brush up on my Thai before landing by using their language CD’s.  The plane rocks, the food is outrageous and the staff is very accommodating.  There’s one stewardess who’s so cute with her flawless Asian skin, her perfectly placed bun and adorable dimples.  I want to take her home and stick in her in my curio cabinet! We just flew over Okinawa but the clouds are so thick we couldn’t see a thing.  Not even from the camera placed under the plane that I can tune into from my TV. Watching takeoff from the camera was pretty cool.  I’ve flown halfway around the world and about to land in Hong Kong, where Becca and I will change planes for Bangkok.  It’s only 1hr 40min away.  Piece of cake!  Almost there…
I’m in Thailand!!!  Went straight from the airport (where I bought a $30 SIM card for my iphone with unlimited internet use and 300 talk time for 1 month) to the resort in Pattaya Beach, Cabbages & Condoms. It is beautiful.  The minute you arrive you are surrounded by nature; exotic birds, trees and plants.  There are paths named communist & capitalist walk.  I never did see what was down the communist path; my instincts took me down the other.   There are bikes that when peddled set off sprinklers and showers.  The hotel also has resident bunnies who allow you to pet them J Apparently, because of the prominent sex industry, the owner is trying to prevent the spread of STD’s so there are condoms everywhere on the property and it’s the after dinner mint you receive on the way out of the restaurant.
At night we went to “Walking Street”.  I’ve never seen anything like it.  Imagine the red light district but full of clubs, bars and hookah lounges.  It was about 10 blocks long; on the menu you could find food, drinks and sex.  You could see pictures of who you could be with, how and what it would cost.  There were themed bars, women dressed as stewardesses, men dressed as military and “ladyboys” (tranny’s or crossdressers, didn’t find out) dressed in negligees.  We never felt scared. The area was very well lit, neon signs and flashing lights everywhere.  There were police at the entrance and exit of the street, as well as constantly walking around.  Many older men being showed around by a younger Thai.  There was one club with a boxing ring and a live fight you could bet on.  Moreover, there are 7-11’s everywhere!!! Just like the ones we have in the states.  You can find one on almost every other block, I had no idea. 
Today, we left the resort and headed for Bangkok.  It’s a major city! It’s huge!  It’s Manhattan multiplied 10 times over.  There are malls with 7 floors which have their own Lamborghini dealers within.  We visited the Emerald palace Filled with golden temples.  I was wearing shorts (because the heat & humidity are off the charts!!!) so I had to rent a skirt to enter the temple.  After lunch and some more sightseeing we went on a dinner boat cruise down the river.  The river is full of luxurious hotels (Mandarin Oriental, Hilton, Shangri-la) and, you guessed it, more temples.  Thai food is very tasty, full of exotic spices and hot peppers. 

Work starts tomorrow…

First day of work! We’ve transferred to Sichang Island, 70 miles south of Bangkok.  Holy hopper it’s hot and humid! It’s definitely worst than Miami.  Worst part is that it’s rude to show your shoulders.  I’m suffocating most of the time. Our project consists of working with Sichang Harbor to help best mitigate environmental impact of their cargo vessels, ferries and tugboats.  These people are dumping all of their trash and human waste overboard and it’s washing up on shore to ruin their touristic beaches.  It’s pretty nasty and the smell takes some getting used to.  The island is very pretty; it’s like a tiny Jamaica with a couple of temples off the cliffside.  Both temples very ornate and one has a prominent golden Buddha, the skinny type with legs crossed and beaded hat, not the chubby one we’ve seen.  We (my group, as well as 4 Thai university students) spent the day traveling by tugboat surveying about 20 light boat vessels which transport cargo from the larger vessels to shore.  It was quite impressive to see how these people and their families live in very small quarters. The tiny quarters are shared with a bed, kitchen and an impressive karaoke system.  They wait around to work for days so entertainment is critical.   The students teased us constantly, apparently, it’s a good thing.  The custom here is that if they tease you, it’s their way of saying they like you.  If not much conversation is going on it means you’ve upset them.  Lucky for us, our group doesn’t shut up! Someone saw me swatting mosquitoes and they said not to worry as they will disappear in an hour.  It’s a natural phenomenon; the insects come and go between 6:30 and 7:30pm.  Never heard of that before but boy am I glad!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Before Departing

So many things to do...Get used to this blogging situation, finish thesis, graduate and pack! We'll see how this goes...