Friday, June 17, 2011

The North

Chiang Mai was pretty cool.  It’s built in the shape of a square with a wall and a moat around it. I’m sure there’s some profound reasoning behind it that hopefully, one day I’ll know.  We hired a driver, Nuch (female) for 250 baht ($8.19) / hour.  We stayed there a couple of days enjoying the scenery: waterfalls, street market and shows.  We also went to a fish spa. It’s where you put your feet in an aquarium and fish- not sure what kind but they look like baby catfish-prey on your dead skin.  It was quite ticklish at first but then your legs feel as if they’re vibrating.  When it’s all done, about an hour later, it feels like walking on needles for a bit.   They say it stimulates circulation and perhaps that’s what the vibrating feeling was.  We then headed for the mountains where we went to a tiger and monkey zoo (not together).  The hotel we stayed in was beautiful.  The backyard was a lake with pedal boats and huge lotus pads.  There were tables in the garden and it was where we always ate.  There were four women who ran this hotel and it seemed we had them all to ourselves.   They made a fresh carrot with honey juice that was divine.  They knew it was what I wanted when it was time to eat.

On the second day, Adrienne and I went bungee jumping! It was a 50meter (164ft) drop.  Yes, it was crazy and no, I probably wouldn’t do it again.  When you’re at the bottom and upside down, as the blood rushed to your head, it feels like your head is going to blow up and your eyes are about to pop out.  Nevertheless, I’m glad I did it.  That’s how Adrienne closed her Thailand trip, Nuch and I took her to the airport shortly thereafter.

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